Friday, August 23, 2013

Easy to make hakka noodles


Hakka Noodles -150 grams/2 packet (made of durum wheat)
3 tbsp of Oil
1 medium thinly sliced onion
2 carrots cut into thin juliennes
1 cup cabbage thinly sliced
1 green bell pepper thinly sliced
¼ cup Spring onion greens finely chopped
Soya sauce -1 tbsp or as needed
Salt and pepper powder to taste
1 tsp MSG (optional)


1.     Boil noodles in plenty of water until 3/4 cooked or al dente. (al dente-cooked just enough to retain a somewhat firm texture). Do not overcook. Drain the water and toss noodles with a tsp of oil and keep it aside. This is done to prevent the noodles from sticking together.
2.     On high flame, heat oil in a wok and add sliced onions and fry till translucent.
3.     Add sliced carrots, bell pepper and cabbage and toss for 2 mins.
4.     Add soy sauce, salt, black pepper and MSG (optional) and toss well.
5.      Add boiled noodles and toss on high flame for a few seconds.
6.      Garnish with spring onion greens, toss and serve noodles  hot. 


If you want to add chicken to the noodles, chicken has to be boiled and added right at the end.

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